Thursday, December 16, 2010

Our Snowy Weekend

Baked bread - holiday coffee cakesTyler wanted to help with the "play dough." He made his
own small cake and discovered he really likes craisins.
Dad and Tyler cuddled on the couch and watched a Thomas the Train movie
Playing with a new nativity set from Grandma
Baking bread wore mom out and Tyler wanted to "go nite nite too."
Snow ended so we bundled up Tyler for some fun in the snow
He loved it!
Helping Dad shovel snow

Fun Times with Dad

Decorating For Christmas

Tyler helped decorate the Christmas Tree this year.
He wanted to put the star on top...
...then he got distracted by the tinsel!

Kitty Kisses

Grandma Stephens was gone for a few days, so we went over to Ames to keep her cat, Paws, company. Tyler gave her some love. She was more patient with all his attention since she was lonely. Tyler does NOT get this close to our cats at home before they run away.

Go Clones!

In November, Adam and Tyler had the opportunity to attend several ISU women's volleyball games and a men's basketball game together! Tyler learned several cheers and had a lot of fun cheering on ISU with Dad.

Even Grandpa Stephens got to come along one night.