Sunday, September 18, 2011

Pufferbilly Days

Pufferbilly Days is an annual event in Boone to celebrate our railroad heritage. Adam ran in the YMCA sponsored 10K in 50:25. The kids and I were able to get there just in time to see him end his race and then we went to watch the parade followed by watching the ISU vs. Iowa football game in Ames (on the TV at my parent's house) with some family and cheering them onto was a GREAT day!

Here are some pictures from the parade.  

Bumbo Seat

"Look Mom...I still fit, I still fit!"
Oh - to have such a small rear end! (sigh)

Friday, September 16, 2011

Hannah is 3 months old already!

Tyler Tales

Here are some of Tyler's latest quote-worthy comments:

Sometimes Tyler just can't talk as fast as his brain works and he starts talking like a broken record until one can catch up with the other. Adam came downstairs at the end of his work day in his office once day and Tyler excitedly ran over to him and was very animated in saying: "Daddy you done WORKING?!? That means, that means, that's time for PLAYING!"

Tyler saw the cake we got for Hannah's baptism (which was in the shape of a cross) and declared "Look, it's a T cake!"

When we were camping Tyler and I walked back from the shower house in the dark and admired the stars. He asked where the moon was, why wasn't it out tonight since the sun was down the moon was supposed to be out! It was a moonless night but I just explained that some nights the moon doesn't come out - then we can really see the stars well. He said, "Maybe the moon is tired. Clouds are like blankets, maybe the moon is sleeping under a cloud." Deep thoughts from him late at night!

I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth when Tyler ran over to the doorway and told me something really fast then said, "Hold that thought!" and ran away only to come back a few minutes later to finish his story. Where/when does he learn these phrases???

We gave Hannah a bath before church on the Sunday morning she was baptized. Apparently Tyler was paying attention to that tiny detail, which is surprising because Grandma & Grandpa were there that morning helping us get ready for church and our party afterwards. As we stood at the front of the congregation to have Hannah baptized during church Tyler watched the pastors pour water into the baptism font and Tyler exclaimed "That's my baby sister, you not give her a bath - she had a bath at home this morning!"

During dinner one night Tyler randomly said "some people don't have couches." The rest of the conversation went like this:

Traci: "Sometimes the things you say sound like something the Dali Lama would say."
Adam: "Ya, some people don't have couches, now go meditate on that."
Tyler: "No...I say it better!"

Monday, September 5, 2011

Father-Daughter Bonding

Haselhuhn Labor Day Weekend

Saturday - ISU Football
My Aunt Marvis & Uncle Larry Northup, my parents, Adam's parents, and Adam's brother Kyle all had tickets to attend the ISU vs. UNI Football games in Ames on Saturday night. They had an early tailgate dinner at my parent's house before the game with Kyle's daughter Sarah, Tyler, Hannah, me and David, Betsy & Kelsey Stephens.
While they were gone to the game David, Betsy & I drove the kids to the Ames mall to run around in the play area while we each took turns shopping. When we got back the kids wound down by watching some cartoons in their PJ's.

Sunday - Hannah's Baptism
Our little girl had a BIG weekend! She got baptized on Sunday morning with about 30 loving family members there to celebrate with her. Everyone joined us at our house after the church service for a picnic dinner & yummy cake.Hannah's sponsors are her Uncle David Stephens and her Aunt Cindy Haselhuhn. She wore the same dress that I did when I was baptized. Traci's family
Pastor Dahle & Pastor Solomon
Sucking her thumb
Her Grandma Linda Haselhuhn & Aunt Emily Spencer
Aunt Emily & Grandma Janelle Stephens
The cake from Dutch Oven Bakery was almost too pretty to cut, but it tasted delicious! When Tyler first saw it he called it a "T cake!"
Tyler enjoying his friend chicken picnic lunchWe had beautiful weather to hang out in our big garage while the kids played outside
Great Grandma Geer - who Hannah got her middle name from (Margaret).
Four generations - a Johnson, a Geer, a Stephens, and a Haselhuhn!

Monday - Labor Day
Roger, Jill & Juliana Lutz invited us to go bowling with them at Perfect Games in Ames. This was Tyler's first experience with bowling (other than watching Curious George do it on IPTV). He was excited about seeing his friend, picking out a ball, putting on his cute little bowling shoes, and rolling the ball down the lane (thanks to the automatic bumpers).
He liked carrying the ball
Working on his strideLining up the ballAnd ROLL!His interest waned a bit toward the end of the game, so it's good the pizza and pop had arrived.
After lunch the kids had a blast in the bounce house
and playing some arcade games to win tickets.
Then they turned in their tickets for prizes.

Summer Camping Trip

The last weekend in August our family packed up the camping gear and luckily carpooled with my brother's family (no way we could have fit it all in our car with 2 kids) and headed in the direction of Corning, Iowa to spend the weekend at Lake Icaria with my Aunt Martha and Aunt Mary and their families.

Tyler said he was being a "big helper" while helping daddy pound in the tent stakes.
Our home away from home - including Hannah's pack & play. Everyone thought we were crazy for taking a newborn camping, but she slept just great all night long both nights in the tent!!Two happy kids Saturday morning awake and ready to go get breakfast by the campfire.
Hannah's first boat ride. On our way to play at the beach.
She was not too happy about the life jacket, but liked the bumpy boat ride!
Tyler loved playing with his 1st and 2nd cousins at the beach - swimming, digging in the sand, and making sand castles.
Cousin Kelsey playing in the water.This is how Hannah spent her time at the beach - chillin' in the shade with Mom.
After lunch Hannah stayed at the campsite with Aunt Mary and Tyler got lots of time in the boat and riding on the tube, once with Dad...
...and once with MomThen we went swimming and parked down in "Party Cove" for some snacks...
...followed by nap time!
Cuddling by the campfire with my little camper. We had a fantastic time until we had to pack up too soon on Sunday before a thunderstorm hit. Can't wait to go again!