Thursday, June 2, 2011

Camp Open House 2011

The Iowa 4-H Center, where I used to work, held their summer camp open house Thursday night. It was also the night for the 4-H club I help with to show off the cabin we have adopted and renovated for the summer. The club members held a picnic dinner and all got their pictures taken by the cabin and were recognized by the camp staff for their efforts. Adam and Tyler tagged along with me to camp for all of the fun and my Mom joined us. Tyler went home with her afterwards.

Camp Staff member Drew did a great job driving the "camp limo" big white wagon around for a camp tour. Tyler was very excited to have a wagon ride with Grandma and some nice camp staff.
Wagon ride with Leah & Michelle
Wagon ride photo with Grandma Janelle
Some of my past Camp America camp staff would be very proud to know that Tyler was excited to play soccer at camp!
Tyler loves rocks and teacher Michelle turned it into a teachable moment by helping him count the rocks - all the way to 18!
One special camp treat was insider information from the Program Director that there was a brand new fawn found in the flower bed next to Cedar Lodge. It was adorable!
Here is Tyler saying "Hi" to Bambi who seemed just as
interested in Tyler and Tyler was interested in it!

Banana Bread Helper

I have been nesting lately and trying to bake a few things ahead to freeze and enjoy later when the baby arrives. While Adam was at his band concert, Tyler and I stayed home to make a double batch of banana bread using Tyler's Great-Grandma Lois Stephens recipe. He was a big helper!

Ready to mix

Adding the bananas
Ta-da, all mixed!
Success = licking the beater!