Monday, August 9, 2010

Mr. Fix-It

When we were last in Clarinda, visiting my family for the Page Co. Fair, My Aunt Marvis had a toy drill at her house that Tyler discovered was loads of fun. When we got home and decided to rearrange some furniture, Adam got his "big kid" heavy cordless drill out of the garage to take the mirror off our dresser and Tyler's eye's lit could see the wheels turning, so Adam took the drill bit off and we supervised some fun for our little "Mr. Fix-It!" And THEN we put the drill safely back in the garage!

It's Page County Fair Time!!

I couldn't wait to take Tyler back to my hometown for his first trip to the Page County Fair! We spent two days with my family so we could enjoy more great fair food (Classic Taco Barn tacos), see more 4-H livestock (watched the Beef and rabbit shows), My Mom and I spend almost 2 hours looking over all the 4-H exhibits while Tyler took a nap, and Friday night Tyler enjoyed the carnival!

We got Tyler a giant pickle and a slice of pizza for dinner, but he was so excited to ride the carousel and the train (he could see them from our table) that he took a few bites of the pickle and then he was off to bigger and better adventures - and there was NO stopping him!

While we were in Clarinda, my Grandpa Geer took Tyler out for another tractor ride!

I'm not sure which of the 3 of them enjoyed the 4-wheeler ride more!!

Here is a video of Tyler enjoying his first Pony Ride...

High School Friends

My friend, Amanda Fletcher, recently became the proud mother of twins! In July some of our friends from high school (and our children) were all amazingly available on the same day to gather at Amanda's house in Norwalk to celebrate with Amanda and reconnect with each other. We had a full house and a very fun day!

Amanda with Karlin and I am in the background holding Nolan

Backrow: Emily (Wiese) Hod with her son Ilan, Megan (Roberts) Wright holding Amanda's son Nolan, Me holding Tyler, and Amanda (Hansen) Fletcher holding her daughter Karlin. The front row are Megan's three boys: Owen, Jason, and Dalton.

Christian Story Time

My friend Bethany and I developed a Monday morning Christian Story Time held at our church each week. We started in January and just ended our last story time at the end of July. It was a fun way of connecting with Moms each week and giving Tyler time to play with other kids. I kept forgetting to take my camera each week to get a photo of story time in action, but I did get our picture on morning after we got home with the new crown Tyler had made!

Trip to Webster City

Around Mid-July my Mom, Tyler, Adam, and I met my brother David, Betsy, and Kelsey in Webster City - which is roughly mid-way between where David lives and where my Mom lives. We had dinner in a nice downtown restaurant and then played at the park and enjoyed some of my Mom's homemade cookies. It was a fun way to reconnect!

Humboldt County Fair

My brother, David Stephens, is the Humboldt County Youth Coordinator, so Tyler, my Mom, and I made the trek up to Humboldt to visit their fair on July 21st. Betsy, David, and Kelsey joined us for the evening. We enjoyed lots of fair food, checked out all the animals, Tyler got a wagon and a train ride, and Tyler's favorite part - looking at all of the big tractors on display!
This tractor tire was so big Tyler could stand up in it!!

Boone County Fair

For the first time since I have lived in Boone County (for 9 years) I was finally able to attend the Boone County Fair! My sister, Emily, and I took Tyler for a day of fun. He mostly wanted to be out seeing the animals and did not allow us much time to look at the 4-H exhibits, but we took some great photos.He loved being at eye-level with the honking geese!

They had two of these BIG sand boxes full of field corn and the kids had a great time using the shovels and buckets and throwing corn everywhere!

The Boone County Fair had 3 entire litters of New Zealand rabbits on exhibit. Just like the rabbits I used to raise. They were SO CUTE!!

After the fair we went home and cooled off in the pool! It was a fun day!