Saturday, January 8, 2011

2010 Family Christmas - Weekend #3

December 31st thru January 2nd was our 3rd Christmas gathering. Traci's family met in Ames for a fun-filled weekend. We played a lot of Wii games (or they did, I was suffering from a bad cold most of the weekend). We also watched old family movies that Mom got transferred from her old 8mm tapes on a DVD. And LOTS of food was enjoyed too!

We played a LOT of card games!
Tyler enjoyed put-put pool with Uncle John
and Dusty
More trains! Emily the engine from Aunt Emily.
Spencer the engine from Uncle John Spencer
Tyler's new trampoline from Grandma & Grandpa - it was a big hit!

Even Adam is enjoying Tyler's new toys...I think!

Christmas at Our House

After all the family celebrations, we told Santa to come to our house on Sunday night the 26th so we could be home. We have been reading lots of books about Santa Claus, so Tyler was all excited about leaving cookies and milk for Santa and checking his stocking. I should say, he was excited until he realized that Santa was getting cookies and he was not. So, we had to make a "cookie before bedtime" compromise. That soothed him over until the next morning when he again fussed because Santa had eaten "his" cookies!

Adam took the week off between Christmas and New Year's, so we had a relaxing Monday morning to open gifts. Between my cold and my pregnancy I didn't even remember until later that week that we had not given Tyler all the gifts I wrapped for him. I had hidden them - who knows where or why! Adam came to my rescue and found them on the office file cabinet!! So we had a 2nd round of gift opening! No wonder Tyler now asks us each day to open more presents!! No, if I can just remember where I put Adam's other stocking stuffer......

2010 Family Christmas - Weekend #2

December 23-24th: Langebartels Christmas gathering
(Adam's Mom's side)
It snowed overnight and Tyler couldn't wait to get outside to "play in the snowin". Aunt Nicki, her boyfriend Kurt, and their dog Onyx were already out shoveling, so the begging started that Tyler wanted to go out too. Here is the "before".
"During" - trying to catch snowflakes with his tongue
Dad and Tyler - "after"
Cookie decorating with the cousins before dinner
Romping with cousin Sarah
Tackling Uncle Kyle - or practicing football moves from the TV
Tyler likes to attack the wrapping on his gifts with exuberance! You have to be on guard for flying arms as he likes to throw the paper straight behind him! After this gift, mommy had him stand in front of her open the rest! Michelle and I are sitting on the couch here - we are both expecting (me in June and she is due with twins in August) so there will be 3 more babies at Christmas next year!
Another train - it's a trend! He loved all of his gifts, but this one on
Christmas Eve was hard to get him away from!

December 25th-26th: Haselhuhn Family Christmas gathering
Great-grandpa Haselhuhn with great-grandson Jacob Ryan, 4 months
I warned him this was going on the blog! LOL
Tyler's new tent/tunnel from Aunt Nicki
Best buds!

Seeing Santa

We took Tyler to get his picture taken with Santa at the Bass Pro Shop in Altoona again this year. He had a great time seeing the fish, driving the remote-control train, and didn't even fuss too bad when he got his picture taken - standing beside, not sitting on Santa's lap.
Or "Anta Paws" as Tyler calls him.

2010 Family Christmas - Weekend #1

December 18th: Geer Family Christmas in Clarinda
(Traci's Mom's side).

Tyler helped Aunt Emily bake something yummy to eat...
he had fun licking the brown sugar off his hands afterwards!
We caught the three second-cousins playing their own version of patty cake before dinner. Brodie is 4, Tyler is 2, and Kelsey is 18 months old.
My grandparents with their kids and spouses
The grandkids and great-grandkids
First gift opening of the season - he was a pro after 3 weekends!
Tyler got a train table from my grandparents.
He LOVES trains, so this was a big deal!

December 19th: Stephens Family Christmas in Villisca
(Traci's Dad's side).

Each grandkid & great grand-kid (18 and under) exchanged names and took turns opening gifts. The adults had a fun white-elephant type gift exchange.
Tyler got a cool Disney Cars book and 2 cars
I was so busy eating and playing cards with my cousins that I didn't get many photos on this day. My aunt said there were 45 of us celebrating in her new house. At least 13 of them were cousins Tyler had a blast playing with - and as you can see, all the excitement was more than he could handle!