Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Keeping Up...

So, I have failed at my attempt to try and update the blog on a weekly basis. After the craziness of the Christmas holidays, it has just been pretty quiet around here with nothing new to really report on - nothing exciting that is.

Tyler is definitely acting more like a 2-year old these days and has made life a bit more challenging. He has a mind of his own, a time frame on when to do things that is all his own, and a strong will of his own! He has decided that naps are not really necessary unless he can fall asleep at 4:30pm and wake up at 6:00pm and then stay up until 10:00 at night. Even if we read a ton of books, rock, sing, lay down with him, etc. starting at 1:00pm - he still won't sleep until around 4! He has found all sorts of onery things to do in his room while avoiding nap time too, like pull all the sheets off his bed, pull stickers off the wall, move all the books & bears around, jump on and off the bed repeatedly, find the chapstick and smear it all over himself and the bed then stick the empty container under the door as proof of what he has been up to!

Besides nap time conflicts, we have also been attempting to potty train again. We finally found a type of pull-up that he will allow us to dress him in. Stickers have been a huge hit over M&Ms for progress here, but heaven help you if you ask him to try and go potty while he is in the middle of watching Curious George!!

On the bright side, he has really enjoyed going to the Y with us in the mornings, going to the Library to put puzzles together, and playing in the snow when it has been warm enough. The new phrases he says on a daily basis blow us away. For instance, he loves to hear noises in the house and then say "what's that sound?" The other day he thought he heard a noise and informed us that it was someone knocking on the door, that it was a someone to come and play with him and we had to let them in. He wasn't happy until we checked both doors that there was really no one there. At church on Tuesday to run an errand he walked in and said "where is everybody at, they are all gone." clear as day. He used to say "I wanna go play in the snow" but now he adds that "it's FUN!"

Here are a few more of his recent "fun in the snow" photos.
Adam built him the tunnel to crawl through in our front yard:
This is an attempt to get a grandchild photo for my Mom's Valentine's Day cards.
At least the dog was looking at the camera! :)

I have found a new group that just started again in Boone - MOPS, Mother's of Preschoolers. It is a great christian group of mom's who meet twice a month. I am looking forward to more Mom time to commiserate about nap times, and potty training, and tantrums, and pregnancy aches & pains! I know I have nothing to complain about really, I only have one kid so far and I really do love him, but between the toddler tantrums and the baby kicking - I feel pretty beat up some days! ;) Maybe I am just REALLY ready for SPRING!

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