Thursday, November 3, 2011

Halloween 2011

Last year Tyler got to be Thomas the Tank Engine for Halloween. He was only 2 so didn't really understand the tradition so I picked it out for him. I took him trick 'o treating and had no idea how much he would enjoy it. He did great and when I said it was time to head home, he said, "Oh Man!" for the first time. Then over the summer he saw his costume in the closet and asked to go out to get candy again with his bucket. It is hard to explain to a 2 year-old that the holiday is only one day a year. Here is a Halloween 2010 photo BEFORE the candy.
This year he was all prepared and kept telling me he wanted to be the engine named PERCY (Thomas's best friend), so I found a Percy costume. Then he kept changing his mind going back & forth between the two engines. He ended up being Thomas for the ghost walk in Clarinda and Percy for the Boone Trick 'o Treating night. He loved going to people's houses and saying trick or treat this year! About half way thru the neighborhood we found Tyler's friend Juliana with her dad so we joined forces for the rest of the night and finally snapped a picture of him in his costume for Halloween 2011 AFTER the candy this time.

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