Friday, September 28, 2012

Hike at the Iowa 4-H Center

Last year my Mom and I took my kids and my niece, Kelsey, on a picnic and hike at the Iowa 4-H Center in October. This year we went out again in September. It was still lots of fun! Mom and I are a lot more healthy this year, so we took a more adventurous trail - longer with lots more steps!

Cousins happy to be there together!
Picnic in the BBQ Shelter
 Hannah wanted to help push the wagon instead of ride in it!
  A stop at the Elm Inspiration Point
  Nice sitting picture after they had fun running & jumping on the benches first.
 We found the new swinging bridge!
 Checking out a cool-looking spider web
 The girls with Grandma - taking a break from hiking after crossing the bridge
Where did Tyler go?? (While stopping to take this picture Tyler & Kelsey decided to blaze their own trail! Mom & Grandma had to chase after them)
 Hannah with her Caring Adult
 Hannah says "Look Tyler is all the way at the top already! Go faster Grandma!"
Group photo at the top of the hill!
 Checking out the Linden Lodge sign after attacking the camp store snacks
  Quick stop to see the miniature horses before leaving camp.

September Events

Augustana Lutheran Church had their annual hog roast last weekend, so we had lunch after church and then enjoyed the kids carnival the high school students host afterwards. Tyler had fun with the games and enjoyed the prizes.

They even had a golf games that Tyler & Adam enjoyed together!

 Hannah enjoyed her 1st tootsie pop - it was a giant sticky mess - but she was happy!
 Adam tried hoola-hooping!
 Tyler's first soccer game of the fall season. He is on the green team, but they didn't have their shirts yet. He is the kid in the blue hat. Adam is coaching the team and the kids that played in the spring have grown a lot in their soccer skills!
  Ice Cream Cones after dinner- what a treat!!

Pom Pom Explosion & Other Adventures

I left Hannah alone to play for a bit while I was cleaning the kitchen. I walked around the corner and THIS is what I found...
 My toddler is onto everything right now! My error was thinking I had the bag of pom poms up high enough. Apparently Hannah thought the living room needed "sprinkles."

 Adam and I both needed to attend a church meeting last Sunday night but didn't have anyone to watch the kids, so we took turns watching them in the church nursery. During the last 5 minutes of the all branch meeting we both went in for the wrap-up and left the kids alone to play. Minutes later we see the kids hand-in-hand walking down the sidewalk outside the church - on the opposite side of the building from the nursery! Apparently they decided to go for a walk...all the way around the church in the few minutes we left them alone! Thank goodness they stayed on the sidewalk!

Tyler's imagination is really blossoming lately! I notice how practical I often view life when he reminds me to "just pretend Mom!" Like at the park the other day when he was being a monkey on the monkey bars and said, I wish I had a banana!" I said, "Sorry we didn't bring any bananas to the park." And he said, "just pretend Mom!"

Tyler was having rest time in his room yesterday and it was quiet in his room when I went up to tell him he could come back downstairs. I opened the door and was greeted by Tyler (only wearing his underwear), sitting in his red wooden bench that he had somehow (without tipping it over) managed to place on top of his yellow wooden table. He calmly sat there and stated very confidently: "I am a lifeguard!" I was laughing too hard to remember to get a picture!

This morning I worried I would finally have to call poison control for one of my kids!! Hannah somehow found a bottle of Crayola Color Bubbles that I hid way in the back of the cabinet in the garage. I hid them because they are way messy and the deep green color can stain. Sadly Hannah thinks blowing bubbles involves sticking the bubble wand into her mouth, so when I caught on to what she was up to, she looked like a bottle of green food coloring had exploded on her face! I rushed her into the bathroom and Adam checked the bottle to see if it was toxic. It wasn't (thankfully) and the green washed off her hands and face just fine, but - I think I have more grey hair now!

After Tyler's soccer game, Hannah decided his shin guards would make awesome puppet gloves and his hat looked best backwards. Isn't she just stink'n cute!!
 Strike a pose!!

Have I mentioned that Tyler has an imaginary friend now? "Her name is Sami, she's a girl. She's nice like you Mom, but small like me," That is what Tyler told me at the park last month after giving Sami a push on the swing. Sami has ridden in the car with us - even on our trip to Michigan. She sits in-between the car seats. She eats with us, too, but mostly is a playmate for Tyler when he is bored of playing with just us!

Tyler got to take snacks to Preschool yesterday for the first time. On the way home he told me he also got to lead the prayer before they had snacks. I asked him what he said in his prayer and this is what he said: "Dear God, thank you for the trees and the coconut and the grass. Thank you for the whole World and the oceans and the whales. Thank you for the Holy Spirit. In Jesus name we pray. Amen" He also said the class had to repeat after him when he prayed - that must have been a long prayer for the whole class to do, but I am glad he feels confident enough to talk in front of others and make up his own prayer at such a young age. We are very proud of him and what he is learning! Now....if he could just keep himself out of the uh-oh chair in school...!

One more Tyler story..My son is becoming quite British sounding lately. He has like Thomas the Train for a long time, so he has often said "getting a wash down" instead of "taking a bath." But now he has latched onto another favorite British cartoon that he watches on his Kindle - Kipper the Dog! Now he says words like "pond" with an accent and has fun cracking us up with his new "language." He also says things are "brilliant" instead of "great". Like, can we go outside to play, Mom? That would be brilliant!" And he tells Hannah she can "have a go" on the slide instead of "take a turn." I just laugh and think about all of my former camp staff from England and what they would think of my soccer playing, Brittish sounding, almost 4 year-old! :)

Visit to Grandma's

I recently borrowed my Mom's camera to see what pictures she had taken of the kids while they had been there to visit over the last month or so. Here are some of the gems I found.