Friday, September 7, 2012

August Campout

We had made plans way last spring with my Stephens side to go camping in August - so despite the rain forecast for much of the weekend - we went anyway. And, once you tell a preschooler he is going camping with his cousins - there is no backing down! We loaded the poor little RAV4 to the gills and headed to Lake Icaria near Corning, IA. We stopped along the way for a picnic dinner.
We lucked out to get the tent set up between rain storms, but it rained almost all night. Of course our kids are the first ones up, so we tried to keep them entertained in the dry tent until breakfast. Hannah can entertain herself with my purse for hours!
 Tyler actually slept in - he can't so this at home, but somehow camping makes him extra sleepy - even with a little sister climbing over his air mattress!
 Looks exciting doesn't it!! :)
 And the rain continued all day Saturday so we spent much of our time in Aunt Mary & Uncle Brian's camper playing games, watching movies, eating, and napping.
 After begging me for most of the day, I finally gave in and let the boy out of the camper and out into the puddles!
 By dinner the rain had finally quit and left behind a ton of mud - and guess who wanted to play in that too? Like a bug to light!
 We were all sitting and watching for him to make a face plant in the mud puddle, but he luckily kept his balance...
 ...all but his nose!
 We never did make it out onto the lake before we had to pack up & head out but it was a memorable family camping trip nonetheless!

1 comment:

  1. I know it's sounds strange, but I actually LOVE camping in the rain! The last picture of Tyler is so cute!
