Friday, September 10, 2010

Haselhuhn Cousins over Labor Day Weekend

Aunt Nicki came home from Pennsylvania to see her new nephew so we decided to all drive to Knoxville to spend some time with her. The Cousins had a great time as usual - they run, jump, climb, play, beg grandma for snacks, and chase each other all day, which is a great break for their parents! About the only time they hold still is when the cartoons are on...and then it is only when they aren't fighting over who sits in which chair to watch!
Tyler loved helping his new baby cousin Jacob - from holding his bottle... holding him! Mostly because he saw his big cousin Sarah holding Jacob and so when he found his opportunity, he climbed into the chair, held his arms out, and said "baby!"
He sat really still, mostly because his favorite cartoon had his attention!
All 3 of the Haselhuhn grandkids!
Playing with play-dough
Aunt Nicki supervising
Playtime outside - teamwork in the rock pile that is part of a landscaping project
After all that messy fun it was bath time!
They even had to both brush their hair together!

1 comment:

  1. The pictures of him holding his little baby cousin are so precious!
