Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hot Days in Iowa

What better way to spend a 90+ degree summer afternoon than playing with water!

Water Table Fun
Hannah LOVES to climb!
Tyler was thirsty, so he tried to drink the water from the sprinkler. Hannah always wants to do what her big brother is doing, but she wasn't about to stick her face in the water, so she kept putting her pacifier in the water, then in her mouth, then back in the water again. Funny to watch!

June Camping Trip

 Saturday morning at the Lake - it was much more crowded on Sunday for Father's Day! The kids had fun playing at the beach while we waited to get on the boat. Tyler got to play with his favorite second cousin - Katie.
 2012 Hannah at the beach
 2011 Hannah at the beach
Going for a boat ride with cousin Jackie - who is recently engaged, CONGRATS!
For comparison sake, here is Hannah in her life jacket a year ago!
 Traci got to ski - it was a WHOLE lot more fun (and easier) this year since I now weigh 50lbs. less!
 And Adam got to ski
 Tyler was sad he wasn't old enough to try water skiing, so he took a nap on board instead. Both kids were asleep by the time we docked for lunch.
 It rained after lunch, so we crowded into Mary & Brian's camper for a couple hours. We played cards whole the kids read books & played with legos, then we all took naps!
 Hannah found a rain puddle to play in!
 On Sunday we headed back to the beach. 
Tyler, Jackie & Katie caught a fish in his net along the shore line!
 It was finally time for ride on the water tube! Tyler rode 4 times over the weekend and helped Brian drive the boat some too! Here he is getting ready to ride with Daddy.
 Tyler and Mommy even tried sitting on our knees on the tube!
We had a very long and full weekend of family fun at the lake! We didn't leave until 6pm on Sunday after packing up & taking showers. Tyler slept all the way home, slept thru our dinner out in Stuart, and wanted to go right to bed when we go home - he was one worn out kid!! Once the sun burns fade and the bug bites diminish, and we get all of the gear unpacked & washed - we'll be ready to do it all over again in August!

June 15th - Hannah Margaret's 1st Birthday!

 After a chorus of "Happy Birthday" to wake her up (not sure she like it - she cried until we picked her up) we headed downstairs for a birthday breakfast - donut holes, yogurt, and milk!

Now she's all smiles!

Then we dropped Tyler off at day camp and we went home to pack for our weekend camping trip and Hannah got a nap before Grandma Janelle came to visit for lunch. Tyler wasn't at ALL happy about his sister getting all this birthday attention - as you can tell by this picture. I am sure you can each think of several funny captions for this gem!
Grandma took us to Giggl'n Goat in Boone for lunch.They were only seating for lunch in their bar area, so it looks like we took our baby girl to the bar for her 1st Birthday lunch, LOL!
3 Generations of girls with May & June Birthdays
They were out of cookies that went with the kid's lunch meal, but Tyler lucked out getting a brownie instead!
After lunch we went home for our little family birthday party.
Ready to open her present
Big Brother helped
Her reaction to us singing "Happy Birthday"
Tyler blew out her candle too - after demanding candles for his own cupcake too!

Time for the birthday girl to enjoy her first cupcake - frosting first! 
This is GOOD!
All done and VERY messy! Frosting all over her hair & face, the floor & the highchair!
We headed right to the bath tub!
Just for fun - here is a comparison of the siblings on their 1st Birthdays!
After the cupcakes we got ready to hit the road with our loaded car and drove to Lake Icaria near Corning for our weekend family camping trip. We were the first family to arrive and had just enough time between rain showers to get the tent set up, car unloaded, the kids to play at the park, and a quick dinner before we fell asleep during another rain storm.

Tyler was ready to help Daddy set up the tent - such a big helper!

And what was the birthday girl doing while we set up the tent? 
Dancing in the middle of the road! :) Luckily the traffic was VERY light!
Snack break!