Saturday, June 9, 2012

Spring Soccer

Tyler started playing in the Boone Soccer Club this spring. He played 5 games during April & May and improved a lot from beginning to end. It was interesting to watch them learn how to share one ball, work as a team, remember to not use their hands, and be excited to kick the ball in the goal net - weather it was theirs or not. They also struggled with the competitive part of soccer - trying to steal the ball away from the other team by "force" when they just want to yell - "No you're supposed to share!" Sharing is what has been drilled into them by their parents, but then you throw them onto a field with 10 kids and one ball and they are no longer supposed to just take turns....hard lessons to learn. He had a lot of fun, but definitely did better on days when he had taken a nap before the game or the practice. Adam even enjoyed helping coach a bit and might try to sign up as a coach next season. Here are some photos. Tyler was on the 3-4 year-old green team.
 He has a pretty powerful kick!
He actually fell down backwards after this one!
 Tyler's cheerleader

Team Photo
 Our little soccer player
 Snack time after the game - Hannah's favorite part.

 Another soccer game day Hannah made a break for it and tried to run onto the field and join the game.

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