Saturday, September 8, 2012

Michigan Wedding Weekend

Finally made it to Michigan Friday evening. Saturday (after a splash in the hotel pool) we helped with wedding prep, had the rehearsal & rehearsal dinner. Tyler really wasn't too thrilled to practice his "ring bearer" duties of carrying the "here comes the bride" sign.
 I got some quick pre-wedding photos of the outdoor decorations. This is the drink/appetizer area.
 A cool photo display on the side of their shed.
 The ceremony was under their apple orchard in the front yard
 Tables set for dinner
 This is the dance area. It looked really cool at night with all the Christmas lights on and lanterns hung in the apple trees.
  Nicki created this cool gift/card area.
 And family wedding photos were on display.
 Our niece Sarah getting ready to be the Jr. Bridesmaid. She had her hair braided, wore an altered dress that the Bride used to wear, and even got stick-on nails!
Tyler and Hannah were all dressed up waiting for pictures and then waiting for the wedding to start. They decided to dance in Aunt Nicki's kitchen.
 Hannah adores her big brother!
 Haselhuhn Family wedding photo
The Bride (Aunt Nicki) and the Ring/Sign Bearer (Tyler)
 He wasn't too excited during the rehearsal, but he did great carrying the sign down the aisle for the wedding!
Here comes the Bride!
 And here she is! The wedding was at their home in Michigan - very pretty outdoor ceremony & reception! 

 This photo of Tyler reminds me of something funny he said on the way home. We will call it Weddings From The Eyes of 3 Year-Old. We were leaving Michigan and talking about all the fun things Tyler got to do on our trip so far. He agreed to most things we mentioned, but when I said, "and you got to help Aunt Nicki on her big day by carrying the sign at the wedding." He dryly responded, "No Mom, that wasn't my best (favorite) part! There was standing (dramatic pause) and standing (pause) and standing (pause), and for WHAT.....NUTHing!!!" At this point we were laughing so hard we barely heard him say, "Nothing fishing or anything!" So, weddings to him are even more boring than sitting and waiting for fish to bite! LOL Funny story to remind him of at his own wedding in the future!
 Adam reading scripture at the wedding
 Haselhuhn family chat
 Bride dancing with her Mom
 Dancing to the fun live band - it was like a hoedown and Tyler really liked the fast music.
 We really enjoyed our 3-night stay at the Jackson, MI Comfort Inn!
 Takes a lot for this family of 4 to be gone for 6 days - cooler of food, wedding clothes, swim suits, car games for the kids.....
Tyler was very proud of the new Angry Birds bag Aunt Nicki gave him for being her sign bearer.

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