Saturday, March 19, 2011

March Trip to Clarinda

My Mom and I took Tyler with us for a 3-day trip back to my hometown to visit my grandparents. Tyler got both of them to read him books during our stay.
Tyler's Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa Geer
The weather was nice while we were down there, so my Mom took Tyler to Nodaway Valley Park to play and even convinced him to climb up to the lookout area. He was disappointed there was not a slide on the other side.
The Middle School building I attended used to be right behind us where the new library is now. Tyler and I played in the library and then I took him to play out in the yard and have a snack while we waited for our ride.
A trip to Clarinda is not complete without Grandpa and Tyler spending some quality time on the farm. This time he scored a 4-wheeler ride AND a tractor ride!
Climbing the fence to talk to the cows
Driving the tractor out to feed the cows
The time span of four generations - holding onto the same steering wheel
I stayed home to rest while Grandma and Aunt Marvis took Tyler to the Clarinda Orchelns Store to see the rabbits, ducks, and chickens.
My Mom took Tyler for a hike up the creek by my Grandparent's house. I spent hours here as a child and now Tyler loves it too. Grandpa gave him a cooler to put his rocks in and he filled it to the brim and drug it along in the sand behind him.
He loves throwing rocks into water puddles!
These shoes are now play shoes.
Showing off his dirty hands!
On the way home we stopped at the Atlantic Pizza Ranch for dinner. Tyler had trouble holding still while the adults finished eating, so we gave him Grandma's cell phone on the speaker phone setting and he told his dad all about his exciting day. Kept him occupied for a little while anyway.

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