Saturday, March 19, 2011

More Tyler Tales

I have blogged and Facebooked and bemoaned about our potty training trials. So, I also wanted to share some good news on the potty training front. After a month and a half, we are finally making noticeable progress!! We are only having to clean up 1 or 2 accidents a day instead of only having 1 or 2 times when we didn't have to clean anything. Something must have finally clicked and he is much more happy to go when asked and even asks to go on his own now. We have had many frustrating moments, but also times that just made us all laugh too. But, I will spare you all the details. :)

Tyler has been using some new phrases lately. Three of my favorite: "Mom I missed you," "Oh, sorry Mommy," and "I need a hug" - so sweet!! He has also been saying "no thanks" if he doesn't want something, "oh goodness", "bless you" after we sneeze, and "hmm hmm" instead of yes if we ask him a question. None of these we tried to teach him on purpose - he just picked them up. I am a lot more aware of every time I say "hmm hmm" now instead of "yes" - no wonder he learned to say that!

Monday morning was a bit traumatic for us. I had just tried to talk Tyler into taking a break from his morning cartoon show to go potty (he agreed to go as soon as it ended in a few minutes). So, I used those few minutes to sneak out the front door to put a letter in the mail box - just 2 quick steps out the front door. I should mention at this point that Tyler has started a bad habit of closing doors shut on us lately - to keep us out of the bathroom or his bedroom if he gets there first. This is funny to him. So...apparently leaving his cartoon to go potty was out of the question, but leaving his cartoon to close the front door on Mom was not. This would NOT have been an issue if it weren't for the following series of unfortunate events:
1) The door was still locked from the inside
2) Tyler couldn't understand how to unlock it and was starting to cry and begging me to open the door.
3) My work-from-home husband who normally saves me during the day from these maladies had just left to go to the Y to work out.
4) Since it was a semi-nice day I hadn't even bothered to put on socks & shoes. I was barefoot!
5) The key we normally have hidden for such emergencies had been loaned out to someone and not put back.
6) Tyler is sobbing, saying he is "poopy now" and "I want a hug" and "I want my mommy" - further making me a distraught Mom. I have to figure something out!
7) I have no access to a phone. Tyler can't see me through a window from the front yard. Trying to console him isn't working.

So, I risk leaving my toddler alone to run next door - barefoot. Thankfully it is Spring Break here and the neighbor girl opens the door and lets me use their phone to call Adam at the Y and get him to come home to let me back in. It seemed like an eternity for Adam to drive 17 blocks home. He finally arrived. My feet were sore & frozen, Tyler was all wet, were were both shaken up from the whole ordeal and needed warm dry clothes, a snack, and cuddling under the blanket on the couch to calm our nerves. get another key hidden before it happens again! :)

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