Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tyler Turns Three

Tyler turned 3 on October 6th. He helped me bake a chocolate cake for his birthday dinner. As you can see from the video below - he had more fun licking the bowl. Nothing like eating chocolate cake batter while sitting in your PJ's on your birthday!
 The final product - chocolate cake with 3 candles!
 Even better with ice cream!
 Enjoying the new game/toy from Mom & Dad.
 To celebrate Tyler's birthday, Adam took the afternoon off of work and we took Tyler to the Iowa 4-H Camp for a creek walk to enjoy the nice weather and give a chance to have some messy birthday fun!
Before our hike - on the Birch Bridge.
 Beautiful view from the Birch Inspiration Point - where the trail leads down to the creek below....many many steps below.
 Tyler loved having permission to get his feet wet and his hands dirty - just like every good camper!
 His favorite part was playing in the waterfalls we found.
 Happy Kid
 Taking the road less traveled (a branch off of the main creek)
 Family Bonding
 My rock climbers
 Tyler could have stayed in the creek all day. He even picked out a rock to take home. Lucky Adam got to haul it all the way back up the steps. We enjoyed a snack and washed our feet before heading home and a tired happy birthday boy fell asleep on the car ride.

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