Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Our Early 4th of July Weekend

We head to Knoxville each year around the 4th of July to spend time with Adam's family. The development his parents live on shoot off fireworks from the dam on the lake and they have a perfect view from their deck full of extended family to watch. This year they shot them off Friday night - it wasn't even July yet, but we still enjoyed it! Tyler and Hannah had fun playing with all of their cousins.
 Hanging out with Papa
 Ready to watch the fireworks with Grandma Linda
 Hannah loved watching the fireworks. The noise didn't bother her a bit, but she was definitely ready for bed as soon as they were over!
 Hey Dad - whacha doin?
 Can I help?
 I like my sweet corn raw!
 We celebrated Hannah's birthday with his family on Saturday. Here is her birthday dinner.
 And Tyler - ready to celebrate!
 Opening gifts
 She loved her puppy from Aunt Nicki - pointing out its eyes (one of her first words)
 ...and giving it lots of kisses!
 Another stuffed animal to love!
 A new bath toy
 And her very own tricycle!
 Grandma got her a DQ ice cream cake!
 And cupcakes!
 After lunch Adam and Kyle went golfing and we hung out in the back yard.
 Sprinkler fun with cousins Sarah, Jacob, Tyler & Hannah
  Slip & Slide
 And a pool!
 Can you see the scars around Hannah's eye? She and Tyler were jumping on his bed and this little monkey fell off and bruised her face on the toy box! :( Good thing she is a tough little monkey!
 Mom's drink always tastes better!

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