Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Vacation Bible School Adventures 2012

I was the VBS Co-director for our church again this summer. We used a curriculum by SPARK Summer called Splash Into God's Word. Our VBS meets Sunday thru Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:15pm and it is a multi-generation event, so whole families are welcome to join us. We had small group time with their teacher/shepherds, large group story & music time, then art, science, and game rotations, followed by snack time. Tyler participated this year for the first time since he is now 3 and poor tired Hannah was drug along each evening since Adam was busy with band.

Sunday we learned about the story of Noah and the Ark. 
Tyler is in the green tank-top listening to the Bible story.
 Art class - "Rocking the Ark" painting his Ark picture with painted marbles that he rolled in the box.
 Monday we learned about Jonah and the Whale. Tyler announced to the whole group, "Hey, that's my boat!" when the storyteller fished it out of our fishing booth.
 Our very talented and energetic storyteller, Colleen Wrage sharing Fish Facts
Science class - learning about digestion and what it would have been like for Jonah to get swallowed by the whale.
 Our awesome snack coordinator helping me keep a sleepy Hannah occupied and our wonderful Pastor Dahle who helped us a lot with all of our planning, plus playing the guitar for our music time.
 Games outside
 Hannah making a break for it
 The prayer before snack time
 Looking for Jonah buried in his cone/whale
 Tuesday we heard the story of Jesus Walking on Water an we said a water prayer. Tyler is in the green shirt.
 Hannah wanted to join in with the games rotation
 Josh helped occupy her with coloring - she is much more interested in coloring at this age than Tyler ever was!
 Wednesday night we learned about the Woman at the Well. Tyler actually colored during small group time.
 They balanced bean bags on their heads like women in Jesus' day had to balance jars on their head filled with water from the well.
 Small group time reading the Bible story.
 Colleen asked if kids could carry a heavy bucket of water a long distance - guess who was the first to jump up & try!!
 More coloring
 Games - would his item sink or float in the water?
 Water relay
 Making a "clay pot" in Art. They covered baby food jars with bits of masking tape, then put brown show polish on the tape. They turned out really cool!
 Last night - thankfully Adam got to join us to help with the kids and help me clean up when VBS was over.
 Tyler Tales: At the games rotation on Thursday they played a game where on kid was blindfolded and they other kids spoke directions to get them to walk in the direction of a plastic cup in the yard. Tyler excitedly announced, ""We are like TomTom!" much to the adults amusement. Then Adam further showed off Tyler's skills by saying, "Hey Tyler - you have now reached your______" and Tyler said "destination!"
The story on Thursday was about Lydia who dyed purple fabrics and how she welcomed Jesus and had her whole family baptized. In Art the kids made a cross on some fabric with shells and then used a squirt bottle to dye the fabric purple. They each got to take one home and the rest will be gifted to the newly baptized in our church.

 The whole gang on the last day!
 And our silly shot

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