Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tyler Tales

Two quick stories to share before I forget what he said....

We have been getting ready for Tyler to start 3 year-old Preschool two mornings a week from 8-11am. Rarely this summer have Tyler, Hannah, and I been ready to leave the house before 9am, so we have all been practicing a new early morning routine this week. It hasn't been easy and Tyler has actually been tired enough to take an afternoon nap again. On days he does this, a whole new child appears at dinner - one who is much sweeter, funny, kind, and patient than our no-nap kid typically is. So, yesterday he had just woken up from a nap before we had tacos for dinner. He did great and made two funny comments after we had eatten.
#1: "Dad next time you have to tell the tacos to be stronger, so they can control themselves and not make a mess on the floor!"

#2: Well, see, I have already forgotten....if it ever comes back to me, I will update this post! LOL

Tyler's School Open House

Trinity Lutheran School Sonshine Preschool Open House. We got to meet the staff, sign up to help with some fundraisers, drop off our school supplies, play with the toys, turn in paperwork & most importantly meet Mrs. Foley!
 It was hard getting Tyler to leave - he was having so much fun!
 Tyler's teacher is the one in the green top & brown skirt.
Preschool starts on Thursday and he will be going every Tuesday and Thursday from 8:00-11:00am

ISU Fan Fest 2012

Sunday was a busy day for us! Adam is teaching Kindergarten Sunday School class and Tyler is officially in the 3 year-old Sunday School room. Sunday was their first day back for the year. We also ushered for the late service and then ran errands, grabbed some Subway sandwiches, changed our clothes, and rushed off to Ames for the ISU Fan Fest (in Hilton this year). We left Ames in time to grab some ice cream treats, come home to change clothes again, grab Tyler's school supplies and head to Open House for Tyler's preschool at Trinity Lutheran School (more about that on another blog). Somewhere in there Hannah grabbed a short nap. In my opinion, it seemed more crowded than in years past. You couldn't tell where one line began and another one started and things were on 2 levels and some stuff outside so they tried to spread it out and they did have maps, but still crowded. Adam just thought there wee more people there this year. Either way, the weather was great and we enjoyed the event. Here are some of Tyler's favorites....
 Football toss
 Giant slide
 Bounce house. The cheerleader inside was great - she interacted with the kids and asked if they could do different types of bounces. Tyler had a blast saying "Look at this!!"
 Volleyball lessons
 Football practice
 He was maybe a bit young for this exercise, but the players really encouraged him an he had lots of fun running & hitting the player with the pad at the end.
 One cool part about being in Hilton this year is they opened up the Basketball locker rooms for tours.
 Adam enjoyed this part more than the kids...
 The press room - Tyler wasn't in the moods to answer any questions
 Golfing was a big hit
 I see lots of track meets in my future
 Hannah had fun modeling her pink ISU cheerleader uniform that cousin Kelsey let us borrow. She got lots of compliments on her outfit and one guy even stopped me to say, "That is such a neat outfit - I have seen a lot of them today and that is by far my favorite!"
 Poor Hannah just gets drug around to these things...she tried to be a good sport!
 Playing in the Ames Police car
 Ambulance tour
Ready to head home

Monday, August 20, 2012

Cousin Kelsey's 3rd Birthday Party

 Blowing kisses to Grandma & Grandpa

2012 Iowa State Fair

Tyler, Hannah & I met my friend Amanda Marsh and her two boys at the Iowa State Fair for a full day of fair fun. Here are some of our adventures!
Boone County booth in the Varied Industries Building - riding the mini train
Checking out the race car

 Checking out the giant tractors...can you tell we were trying to entertain 3 boys?
 Photo from atop the tractor ladder right before Tyler decided to dive head first off the ladder expecting me to catch him. He thinks his mom is superhuman or something!! Luckily his guardian angel sent along my second cousin (who was one of the John Deere vendors there that day) to be at the right place at the right time to help me catch my fearless son just inches before his head hit the concrete!
 We had to sit down after that excitement so I could let my heart rate calm down. Ice cream cones outside of the 4-H Building.
 4-H Working exhibits
 One nice 4-Her let us all pet her sheep
 Teamwork on the giant puzzle in the sheep barn
 Avenue of Breeds - Hannah says "No goat, it is NOT OK to eat my stroller!" I'm the only one who gets to chew on things around here!
 Next we had an early dinner break in the beef tent and toured the mini train exhibit, followed by Tyler's first solo trip down the Giant Slide - he almost caught some air, but was all smiles when he got done! This is also the last place I remember seeing Hannah's hat - that girl kept trying to throw anything out of her stroller she could find. Most I found, but I miss her hat!
 Water break in the fountain!
  Hannah was happy to be out of the stroller but was more happy to be held than play in the water
 Playing in the giant wooden train in the Kid's Fun Forest
 When we ask him what his favorite part of the day way - Tyler says playing on this train was the BEST PART!
 After a quick tour of the Cultural Building we finally made it to Little Hands On The Farm. Hannah had fun helping pick apples!
 Tyler really enjoyed the tractor ride, but the route seemed shorter this year an the wagons made the tractors heavier to turn.
 Hannah took every advantage when Tyler set his basket down for a second, she ran away with it!
 Our 3 little farmers after a long day of work & play
 Enjoying his free treat
 After we said goodbye to our friends I let Tyler go on a few rides before our last snack & the long walk to the car. He loved the rides and even got a few extra tickets from my friend Leslie who's family was also at the fair and were kind enough to share.
 No rides for Hannah this year. Mommy kept her out past her bedtime and she was soo ready for bed!
One the way home Tyler tried to play angry birds on his Kindle, but after a few minutes he said, "Mom, I fell asleep, here (he handed me the Kindle, grabbed his pillow, and slept all the way home." He MUST have been exhausted because he has never fallen asleep playing angry birds before!