Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tyler Tales

Two quick stories to share before I forget what he said....

We have been getting ready for Tyler to start 3 year-old Preschool two mornings a week from 8-11am. Rarely this summer have Tyler, Hannah, and I been ready to leave the house before 9am, so we have all been practicing a new early morning routine this week. It hasn't been easy and Tyler has actually been tired enough to take an afternoon nap again. On days he does this, a whole new child appears at dinner - one who is much sweeter, funny, kind, and patient than our no-nap kid typically is. So, yesterday he had just woken up from a nap before we had tacos for dinner. He did great and made two funny comments after we had eatten.
#1: "Dad next time you have to tell the tacos to be stronger, so they can control themselves and not make a mess on the floor!"

#2: Well, see, I have already forgotten....if it ever comes back to me, I will update this post! LOL

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