Tuesday, August 21, 2012

ISU Fan Fest 2012

Sunday was a busy day for us! Adam is teaching Kindergarten Sunday School class and Tyler is officially in the 3 year-old Sunday School room. Sunday was their first day back for the year. We also ushered for the late service and then ran errands, grabbed some Subway sandwiches, changed our clothes, and rushed off to Ames for the ISU Fan Fest (in Hilton this year). We left Ames in time to grab some ice cream treats, come home to change clothes again, grab Tyler's school supplies and head to Open House for Tyler's preschool at Trinity Lutheran School (more about that on another blog). Somewhere in there Hannah grabbed a short nap. In my opinion, it seemed more crowded than in years past. You couldn't tell where one line began and another one started and things were on 2 levels and some stuff outside so they tried to spread it out and they did have maps, but still crowded. Adam just thought there wee more people there this year. Either way, the weather was great and we enjoyed the event. Here are some of Tyler's favorites....
 Football toss
 Giant slide
 Bounce house. The cheerleader inside was great - she interacted with the kids and asked if they could do different types of bounces. Tyler had a blast saying "Look at this!!"
 Volleyball lessons
 Football practice
 He was maybe a bit young for this exercise, but the players really encouraged him an he had lots of fun running & hitting the player with the pad at the end.
 One cool part about being in Hilton this year is they opened up the Basketball locker rooms for tours.
 Adam enjoyed this part more than the kids...
 The press room - Tyler wasn't in the moods to answer any questions
 Golfing was a big hit
 I see lots of track meets in my future
 Hannah had fun modeling her pink ISU cheerleader uniform that cousin Kelsey let us borrow. She got lots of compliments on her outfit and one guy even stopped me to say, "That is such a neat outfit - I have seen a lot of them today and that is by far my favorite!"
 Poor Hannah just gets drug around to these things...she tried to be a good sport!
 Playing in the Ames Police car
 Ambulance tour
Ready to head home

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