Monday, September 5, 2011

ISU Fan Fest

On Sunday August 21st ISU hosted a Fan Fest in the Bergstrom Practice Facility. We thought it would be fun to take Tyler, my Mom wanted to join us & our friends Jill & Juliana were also going.
It was a VERY busy place!
We didn't really know what to expect but Tyler tried out several types sports.
My Mom & Hannah waiting in line for a picture with Fed Hoiberg.
Tyler, Adam, and My Mom with ISU Men's Basketball Head Coach Fred Hoiberg
Tyler had a blast trying out the track hurdles. The first time thru he knocked them both over. He tried again and still fell down, but the hurdle stayed up. The student athletes were all clapping and very supportive, which made it even more fun!

He has an interesting grip on the club, but he wouldn't try it any other way!
A very patient little sister
He actually got his last throw thru the bottom hole!
He loves doing somersaults and jumping - so he loves this station
Getting a CY tattoo from a pretty cheerleader
Unfortunately due to his dislike of anything stuck to his skin, the tattoo lasted all of 30 seconds on his hand!
Finally stood in line for a fun trip down the giant slide
It was a fun afternoon!And it wore this 'Lil Cyclone out!

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