Friday, September 16, 2011

Tyler Tales

Here are some of Tyler's latest quote-worthy comments:

Sometimes Tyler just can't talk as fast as his brain works and he starts talking like a broken record until one can catch up with the other. Adam came downstairs at the end of his work day in his office once day and Tyler excitedly ran over to him and was very animated in saying: "Daddy you done WORKING?!? That means, that means, that's time for PLAYING!"

Tyler saw the cake we got for Hannah's baptism (which was in the shape of a cross) and declared "Look, it's a T cake!"

When we were camping Tyler and I walked back from the shower house in the dark and admired the stars. He asked where the moon was, why wasn't it out tonight since the sun was down the moon was supposed to be out! It was a moonless night but I just explained that some nights the moon doesn't come out - then we can really see the stars well. He said, "Maybe the moon is tired. Clouds are like blankets, maybe the moon is sleeping under a cloud." Deep thoughts from him late at night!

I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth when Tyler ran over to the doorway and told me something really fast then said, "Hold that thought!" and ran away only to come back a few minutes later to finish his story. Where/when does he learn these phrases???

We gave Hannah a bath before church on the Sunday morning she was baptized. Apparently Tyler was paying attention to that tiny detail, which is surprising because Grandma & Grandpa were there that morning helping us get ready for church and our party afterwards. As we stood at the front of the congregation to have Hannah baptized during church Tyler watched the pastors pour water into the baptism font and Tyler exclaimed "That's my baby sister, you not give her a bath - she had a bath at home this morning!"

During dinner one night Tyler randomly said "some people don't have couches." The rest of the conversation went like this:

Traci: "Sometimes the things you say sound like something the Dali Lama would say."
Adam: "Ya, some people don't have couches, now go meditate on that."
Tyler: "No...I say it better!"

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Tyler! You are so funny! I was laughing out loud while reading these!
