Sunday, September 5, 2010

2010 Iowa State Fair (by Tyler)

So, my daddy took the day off in the middle of the week to take Mom and I to the State Fair. They tell me I went last summer too, but I don't remember - not sure what all the excitement is about, and I feeling kinda grumpy this morning, but off we go anyway! Here is what we did at the fair...

After FINALLY parking and walking to the fair, I got a stroller ride to see baby farm animals inside a big building. Ducks, calves, pigs, chickens, goats...I was NOT happy that we were only allowed to look and not touch - what fun is that?!?

Then Mom & Dad decided to make me work on the farm! I picked vegetables and apples and harvested corn and beans....

...then I even collected eggs! The sign said I had to be taller than 2 chickens to ride the tractor - I thought I'd better lift my hat up a little to be sure I was tall enough, because the best part of being a farmer is riding the tractor, don't you know!

Now this is FUN - watch out, here I come! I just find something fun to do and then my parents tell me we have to stop and they drag me away!

At least I get a Popsicle for all my hard work!!

The Midway was next! Dad said only two rides and we finally found two that I was tall enough to ride on (in my opinion height is overrated anyway)! I got to drive a car AND ride a horse - around and around and around! It was fun - and then I got dragged away again! This fun just doesn't last long enough - I just want "one more!"

We visited the Varied Industries Building so dad could get an ISU tattoo and look what I found...a model train!!!!! I wanted to stay here the rest of the day, but my parents made me go get a diaper change instead...I screamed all the way in protest! Being 23 months old is so rough!

Off the the 4-H Building next and look who we found...ME! My babysitter took this picture of me "watering" the whole back yard. The photo even got a blue ribbon! She called it "Future Firefighter." Mom says her future firefighter likes to run up her water bill, but I'm not sure what the big deal is!

Cool a giant slide - so much fun! What do you mean we only get to go down once?!? I just find something fun again and you drag me away again!

Well, this is a good consolation prize, I guess. Mom let me play in this giant water sprinkler with my clothes on! It was a BLAST! I played and played and my mom is so nice, she even brought dry clothes and a towel!

We ended the day with a ride on the sky glider! I had fun pointing to all the things I could see from way up in the sky! I was even able to spot Dad on the ground before Mom did. I liked the fair, but I think I should get to plan the itinerary for the day next time we go!

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