Friday, September 10, 2010

Summer Camping Trip #2

The extended Stephens family gathered for another summer camping trip in August at Lake Icaria near Corning. The weather was PERFECT - warm to ski, but breezy so we weren't too hot and slept well, and the bugs didn't bother us. We had a relaxing morning and Tyler got to play with puppies and second cousins (and Daddy)
Our only worry came on Saturday morning. While the weather was still cool we gathered around the campfire circle (above) to eat breakfast and warm up. Here is Tyler sitting by the fire..
By the time we were ready to gear up to ski the campfire was mostly warm ashes (thankfully)...but that is when Tyler backed up and fell backwards into the fire pit. It was not as bad as it could have been as Aunt Martha and Adam quickly pulled him out, but It scared us all. He was fully clothed, which helped, but the back of his hair got singed, his right lower arm and his back right above his diaper where his shirt pulled out had blisters from the heat. He is a trooper, though, and still wanted to go on the boat after we put Disney Cars band aids on the blisters. They are mostly healed now 2 weeks later.

Before we got on the boat Tyler had fun tossing some rocks into the lake - he preferred the BIG rocks!

Adam skiing
Traci skiingTyler driving the boat after the 3 of us rode on the tube again
Just another relaxing weekend at the lake making great memories!!

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