Monday, April 25, 2011


It was a VERY cold day for a parade, but we braved the weather with some family members for Tyler's 3rd annual VEISHEA parade in Ames. He was bundled in about 4 layers, but still preferred to sit in Dad's warm lap under the blankets rather than chase down the candy thrown in the street. Thankfully he had a nice cousin who helped keep his candy bucket filled and a few nice college students who brought the candy right to his bucket!
We got to see one drum line up close & personal!
Checking out the new bucket & scoop he got in the parade
Dedicated cyclone fans!
After the parade, lunch at my Mom's, and after our naps - we visited Adam's friend Meggan Snyder & her family who were back from South Carolina for VEISHEA. It was a short but fun visit - the kids ran most of the show!

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