Sunday, July 10, 2011

It's A Girl!!!!

Hannah Margaret Haselhuhn
born June 15, 2011 at 6:00 PM
7 pounds, 11 ounces, 21 inches long

Hannah's middle name is in honor of her maternal
Great-Grandmother Ardelle Margaret Geer
We were both surprised that we had a girl, we were both convinced we
would have another boy, so it really was a sweet surprise!
Poor daddy was so busy taking pictures, calling & texting people, and then heading right over to pick up my Mom & Tyler to bring them to the hospital that we realized he hadn't even had the chance to hold Hannah until a couple of hours after she was born.
Grandma Janelle's first time to hold Hannah after she had been watching Tyler for the last day and overnight while we were in the hospital. It was nice to have her working in the hospital while we were there and she got to slip down several times to visit.
Tyler's first time seeing his baby sister.
Grandma Linda & Grandpa Ken Haselhuhn came up from Knoxville to see Hannah on Wednesday night, then drove home to work half the day Thursday before taking vacation time to come back and watch Tyler for us thru Saturday. It was great to have so much family help! Tyler loved all the attention too - even in the hospital room he wanted them to play with his toys.
I knew he would LOVE learning that my bed
had buttons that made it move!
Learning to be gentle with Hannah.
They came back the next day with gifts. Flowers for me...
...and Tyler bought a Minnie Mouse pink blanket for Hannah. He couldn't wait to hold her. He was so excited to be a big brother that he would tell anyone who would listen (including all the nurses who came in and out of the room) "I'm Tyler, I'm a big brother. This is Hannah, she's my baby sister, and I love her!" That has been his catch phrase - even weeks later, and we never prepped him to say it, he came up with it all on his own.
Hannah was even in on the gift giving.
Tyler got some new books and a fishing pole from her.
Then they shared a sibling hug.
Snuggle time with Mom
Snuggle time with Dad
Enjoying some rare quiet time in our room
in between visitors and nurses.
Hannah and her proud parents

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