Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tuesdays with Tyler

Tuesdays are busy days at our house. Tyler is signed up to take a tumbling class at the Y in the morning and swimming lessons in the early evening. Today we added in playing outside in the water puddle (he is a mud magnet!) and playing with Juliana at our house after swimming lessons. Here are some snap shots of his busy day.......hope this means he will sleep well tonight - especially when he woke me up at 5:30AM today!!
backwards somersault on the mat
backwards somersault over the ball
balance beam walking forward then backwards

Tyler's favorite - the obstacle course.
Normally there are 5 in his class, but only 2 came today.
He was excited to get his rain boots out to play in the puddle today!
Trying not to fall in
Swimming with his instructor
Splashing while he waits his turn
Ready to play the 3 little monkeys game and jump in the pool
Playing games with Juliana after dinner
Are you tired yet? We are!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Thinking Back

One year ago this month I was lamenting on this blog about the exhausting and dirty work of potty training a 2 year-old. I was also pregnant at the time and felt like I might as well just move into the bathroom since I was spending a majority of my day in there already. That month seemed like the longest ever - especially with all the snow and not getting outside nearly as much as we are this winter. It truly is amazing what a difference a year can make! On good days Tyler can even go to the bathroom and do everything on his own without us even knowing what he is up to.

I have been looking at Hannah lately - who just turned 8 months old - and have tried to remember Tyler being this age. The problem is I don't have too many memories. I was working 16+ hour days at camp when Tyler was 8 months old and for several days in a row he would be asleep when I left and asleep when I came home. Adam took care of dropping him off and picking him up from the sitter's house and caring for him in the evenings. Tyler did get to come to camp with me each Saturday morning to give Adam some time off. Tyler attended almost every single closing ceremony and Saturday staff meeting that summer, but I missed a lot of his every-day moments. Thinking of that missed time makes me hold Hannah a little tighter and appreciate even more this gift I have - the ability to be a full-time Mom.....even on days filled with dirty diapers and 3 year-old tantrums! I know it is not the right choice for everyone, but I am glad it was a choice I was able to make for my family!

Valentine Fun

Making Valentine Cards
 His video "greeting card"

The mail was delivered while we were watching a movie. Grandma Linda & Papa Ken sent us some valentine cards and books for the kids. Tyler dove right into the candy - that's why he is smiling funny (his mouth is full).
 Hannah and her card
That evening Tyler got to eat dinner with his best friend, Juliana, since her family and ours decided to go out to eat at the Pizza Ranch after swimming lessons.
Pizza crust is yummy!

Kids Love the Boone Library

Story Time at the Boone Library

Family Time/Super Bowl Party

We had a Haselhuhn family get-together for the Super Bowl. 
Kyle & Cindy hosted and all the cousins got to play, and fight, and play, and eat!

Sarah & Hannah
 Sarah, Hannah, Jacob & Tyler (who wanted to play on the Kindle more than hang out with his sister)
 Hannah LOVES her Grandma Linda!
 I think the feeling is mutual!

Saturday, February 4, 2012


I just got caught up (finally)! If you want to see all 8 posts I made, make sure to click on "older posts" on the bottom of the page, or click on them individually on the list in the right column. Thanks!

February so far...

Daddy with 7 month-old Tyler
Daddy with 7 month-old Hannah
Excited to take a big kid bath. 
 She can hold herself up well on her own if you stand her up next to something.
Hannah does NOT like being on her tummy, She has no interest in rolling or crawling - she just wants to be up where Tyler is. She is starting to reach and pull herself up. I left her sitting on her bottom and when I walked back in the room, she had gotten up on her knees all by herself!
pretty proud of herself

How Hannah has grown

5 Months Old
6 Months Old
7 Months Old
7 1/2 Months Old

Tyler & Juliana

This post is dedicated to friendship (also known as: the patience Juliana has to put up with all of Tyler's craziness) This relationship began early - thanks to their parents who became friends at church.
Now look at all they have gotten to do together....
Going to see Santa at Bass Pro Shop
 Tyler's first train ride
 Holding hands walking to the Boone Safety Fair
 Holding hands in the corn maze. First time at the apple orchard.
  Play dates
Going to the zoo

ISU Fan Day
Tyler's first time bowling
And the latest fun was when Juliana invited Tyler to join her (and her family) for the ISU women's basketball game in Hilton. They had fun sharing popcorn, watching thew game and the dog show at halftime, and then playing with trains when the game lost their attention.
When we drove over to the Lutz's house for dinner last month we were reminding Tyler to ASK Juliana to play with her toys first, they they were HER toys, and she would be sharing them with him if he asked nicely. He replied "It's OK, Mom, she's my girl, so she'll say yes!"

January Photos

Bath Time
Tyler has been so excited to play in the tiny amount of snow we have gotten so far this winter.
Hannah playing at Grandma Linda's while Mom scrapbooked over the weekend
WAY overdue for a haircut!
More bath time - Hannah's enjoying splashing in the big tub
ISU Women's Basketball Game
We were sitting in the upper deck in Hilton when Tyler (who was playing behind us) decided to take off running around the top of the stadium. Juliana told Adam, "there goes Tyler" - and Adam started walking after him, but they problem is once he notices you following him - the chase is on and he goes at mock-kid speed. Adam had to sprint to catch up with him, worried he would fall, and Tyler was finally caught on the opposite side of the stadium - behind the giant score board over there! That has been his thing lately, he will be standing next to you one second and 25 feet away the next. When can I sign him up for track??
My laundry "helpers"
Reading their books
Being silly