Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Thinking Back

One year ago this month I was lamenting on this blog about the exhausting and dirty work of potty training a 2 year-old. I was also pregnant at the time and felt like I might as well just move into the bathroom since I was spending a majority of my day in there already. That month seemed like the longest ever - especially with all the snow and not getting outside nearly as much as we are this winter. It truly is amazing what a difference a year can make! On good days Tyler can even go to the bathroom and do everything on his own without us even knowing what he is up to.

I have been looking at Hannah lately - who just turned 8 months old - and have tried to remember Tyler being this age. The problem is I don't have too many memories. I was working 16+ hour days at camp when Tyler was 8 months old and for several days in a row he would be asleep when I left and asleep when I came home. Adam took care of dropping him off and picking him up from the sitter's house and caring for him in the evenings. Tyler did get to come to camp with me each Saturday morning to give Adam some time off. Tyler attended almost every single closing ceremony and Saturday staff meeting that summer, but I missed a lot of his every-day moments. Thinking of that missed time makes me hold Hannah a little tighter and appreciate even more this gift I have - the ability to be a full-time Mom.....even on days filled with dirty diapers and 3 year-old tantrums! I know it is not the right choice for everyone, but I am glad it was a choice I was able to make for my family!

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