Saturday, February 4, 2012

Tyler & Juliana

This post is dedicated to friendship (also known as: the patience Juliana has to put up with all of Tyler's craziness) This relationship began early - thanks to their parents who became friends at church.
Now look at all they have gotten to do together....
Going to see Santa at Bass Pro Shop
 Tyler's first train ride
 Holding hands walking to the Boone Safety Fair
 Holding hands in the corn maze. First time at the apple orchard.
  Play dates
Going to the zoo

ISU Fan Day
Tyler's first time bowling
And the latest fun was when Juliana invited Tyler to join her (and her family) for the ISU women's basketball game in Hilton. They had fun sharing popcorn, watching thew game and the dog show at halftime, and then playing with trains when the game lost their attention.
When we drove over to the Lutz's house for dinner last month we were reminding Tyler to ASK Juliana to play with her toys first, they they were HER toys, and she would be sharing them with him if he asked nicely. He replied "It's OK, Mom, she's my girl, so she'll say yes!"

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