Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Big Brother Class

We signed Tyler up for a big brother/big sister class at our hospital in Ames the first Monday in May. This class was for 2-4 year olds. The parents were supposed to drop off the kids and come back 45 minutes later for a presentation, but not all of their volunteers showed up, so most parents stayed to help. Tyler had just woken up from a nap and was hungry for dinner already, so he needed some extra encouragement, but we think he enjoyed the class and learned a few things.
Here he is coloring a bib for the baby that the volunteer ironed/transferred onto a cloth bib as a keepsake. He also got a big brother pin & sticker to wear.
The hospital volunteer did a great job being patient with 10 toddlers while they read a story, learned how to hold the baby, and each had a chance to put on and take off a diaper. Finally it was Tyler's favorite part - riding the elevator! We all trooped up to see the renovated birthways floor. The kids got to see what the rooms look like and peek at the babies in the nursery.
The class ran way over time, but they did get a snack and a certificate a the end and a sack of goodies to take home including a book to read and the bib.

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