Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tyler Tales

We took Tyler to my latest doctor appointment. He really liked taking the elevator down from the parking garage and after listening to the baby's heart beat he said it sounded like the choo choo train.

He has been watching a new Curious George DVD about gardening and recycling. Now he noticed the recycling symbol on plastic bottles and has been saying certain things "smells like compost" while he pinches his nose closed with his fingers.

My outgoing son knows no stranger. He has started introducing himself to anyone he sees when we are out around town. He waves and says, "Hi, I'm Tyler. I'm 2 and a half!"

We had a baptism at our church this past Sunday. Tyler was watching the baby closely since we have been talking a lot about babies at our house lately. We asked him to fold his hands and pray with us at the end of the baptism. He did, but as we said "Amen" he blurted out "That not right, it goes like this, Come Lord Jesus, be our guest.." We were laughing so hard it was hard to stay quiet and get him to stop saying the rest of the prayer we say before meals. Luckily it didn't seem to bother anyone around us. Adam leaned over and said, maybe we should teach him that there are other prayers.

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