Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Birthday Day

I had a great 33rd birthday! My boys took me out for breakfast at a diner in town where Tyler could see the trains go through town. Then Adam said we could drive over and get my gift. It took us stopping at 4 stores to find it, but we finally found the porch glider swing that I wanted at Lowes in Ames and managed to squeeze the giant box into my Rav4.

Once we were home I made a picnic lunch while Tyler enjoyed the 90 degree heat and played in the backyard pool and Adam put all the pieces together for my present.
He didn't last long working with metal pieces on a black tailgate in the 90 degree hot sun! He moved into the shaded garage instead!
After several hours of swimming and playing, and helping build my gift, we were all hot, tired, and ready for a nap! Tyler and I fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up, Tyler slipped off the couch but stayed asleep while I grabbed the camera to catch this photo. He is basically sleeping standing up with his head still on the couch!
We ended the day with a yummy DQ ice cream cake!

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