Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Puddle Jumping

Tyler finally had a chance this week to try out his new rain coat and rubber boots on a warm rainy afternoon. He was excited to go puddle jumping after his nap, so we got him all dressed up - here is the clean before picture. We have a annoying dip in our driveway that always collects water when it rains. Tyler thinks it is there just for him to play with, however! He started by throwing rocks into the puddle from a sack of rocks he collected the last time he went creek stomping in Clarinda.
Then he was all excited to drive his trusty dump truck through the water as fast as he could - eventually getting his pants soaked and water in his boots, but he didn't seem to care.
Can you see all the flowers Adam and I planted? He took a day off of work on Thursday to help his pregnant wife get the bed weeded, 52 flowers planted, and mulch put down. It took all day and I needed all day Friday to sleep and recover!
I have decided that no matter where/when you play outside with boys - they always have to play in mud, it's like a magnetic force!
Here is my favorite picture - notice his muddy hands!
The next day the puddle was smaller and the sun was out. Tyler put his boots on to jump in what was left of the puddle when our neighbor girl brought over some toads they found in their garden. One of the toads escaped into the puddle and Tyler and Chloe had lots of fun chasing the poor toad from one side to the other before it escaped into our garage.

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