Saturday, June 9, 2012

4-H Camp - Summer's Here!

Summer for us started with taking the kids to the 4-H Camp for the Open House and to meet the camp staff. Tyler was in an extremely good mood. I was more than happy to show off this extra polite and excited kid of mine. He couldn't sit still long enough to eat his hot dog, he had to go play soccer with the camp staff, play in the park, ride the camp limo (wagon) for the tour, and play in the day camp building.

Leah is the Program Assistant this summer. She was a great help with Hannah.
 Enjoying our wagon ride.
 Chatting up Michelle in Maple, trying to convince her he is really 6 and old enough for day camp! :)
 Leah & Hannah playing at day camp
 Meeting Duffy, the new Day Camp mascot
 Peekaboo, I see you playing in the new day camp gaga ball pit

On Saturday Adam ran in the Dam to Dam race and then on Sunday I carpooled with Annie, Leah, and Michelle to Lamont, Iowa for Sam & Daz's wedding reception. Samantha (from Lamont) and Darren (from England) were on my camp staff for 2 summers when I worked at camp. They met at camp and got married in England on May 25th. They flew back for an Iowa reception and our camp family came to help them celebrate. Dave, Jon, Daz, Sam, Annie, Me, Michelle, Victoria, and Leah.

Later that week Daz brought his parents to see the 4-H camp where he worked and met Sam. I tagged along for part of the camp tour and they were all very patient with my kids who came along with me and missed their naps so I could be at camp to see Sam & Daz.

My independent son feels very at home at camp. He knows his way around. When we arrived he ran off and before I knew what happened he snuck in the camp store and came back with a green sucker. The poor camp store staff had no idea who he was or where he came from. He had 3 before I cut his store tab off for the day! Here he is sitting on the rock enjoying his treat.
Once we found Daz, Tyler showed off some of the soccer (football) skills he has learned. Daz tried to teach him a few things (bless his heart), but I am not sure Tyler was in a learning mood. :)
Tyler, Sam, Hannah, Me, and Daz at Birch Inspiration Point. Tyler spent most of our time there trying to convince us we HAD to go on a creek walk today!
 Look who we found at Maple - the faithful camp maintenance man, Charlie!
 Tyler got a snack right along with the other 6-12 year old day campers that day - fit right in, while Hannah and I talked to the day camp staff and took more pictures. This last one is Jon, Daz, Cassie, Sam & Michelle. It was so fun to visit camp with them both again. Good times, great memories, camp family.

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