Saturday, June 9, 2012

March 2012 At A Glance

 Hannah turned 9 months old in March. She went from scooting to crawling to pulling up and cruising around and she got her first tooth. We got professional 9-month photos taken and this was our favorite.
The weather was so nice so we enjoyed lots of time at the park and taking stroller rides.
Tyler loves to ride his trike and lead the way. 
Hannah LOVES the swing!
 Happy girl!
 Family swimming at the Boone Y
 Snack time IN the locker - oh to be so small!
 Helping bake muffins
 Tyler took swimming lessons...
 ...and so did Hannah - water babies with Daddy
 Not so sure at first!
 We went to Big Creek to play at the park and have a picnic. 
Tyler was confused the whole time that the creek was really a LAKE!

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